Chapter 3 - Theory of Demand

What is demand?
Demand refers to various quantities that a consumer is ready to buy at different possible prices of a commodity.

What do you mean by Quantity demanded?
Quantity demanded refers to a specific quantity to be purchased against a specific price of the commodity.

What is a Demand curve?
Demand curve represents the maximum quantities per unit of time that consumer will take at various prices.

What you mean by demand function?
What are the determinants/factors/functions of demand?

Demand function shows the relationship between demand for a commodity and its various determinants.
We have two types of demand functions:
a)     1.1) Individual demand function
b)     1.2) Market demand function

       1.1) Individual demand function
        i)  Price of a commodity: - There is an inverse relation between demand price of a commodity. When the price raises the demand of the commodity decreases whereas when the price decreases the demand of that commodity increases.
        ii)   Price of related goods:-  These are of two types :-
(i)            a)   Substitute goods: - These are those goods whose substitute are available e.g. tea and coffee, ball-pen and ink-pen. If the price of the commodity increases (say tea) then demand of its substitute will increase (coffee) and if the demand of the commodity decreases then demand of its substitute will also decrease. There is a positive effect in substitute goods.
(ii)           b)   Complementary good: - These are those goods which are dependent on each other, e.g. pen and ink, car and petrol. If the price of the commodity will increase (say car) then the demand of the complementary good will decrease (petrol). There is inverse relation in complementary goods

3)      iii) Income of the consumer:- If the income of the consumer will raise then the demand of normal goods will increase and inferior goods will decrease  but the income of the consumer will decrease then the demand of the inferior goods will increase and normal goods will decrease.( There is positive relation between demand and income in case of normal goods but inverse relations in case of inferior goods)
        iv) Taste and preferences: - Taste and preferences are influenced by fashion, custom etc. If the taste and preferences are in favour of consumer then demand of the commodity will increases, if the taste and preferences are not in favour then demand will decrease.
        v)Expectations: - If the near future the prices of the commodity are supposed to raise then demand will increase but if the price is supposed to decrease in the near future then the demand of the commodity will decrease.


POPULATION SIZE: - Demand increases with the increase of the population and vice- versa this is because more population means more demand of goods and less population means less demand.

DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME:-  If the income will be equally distributed then there will be more demand but if the income will be unequally distributed then demand will be less.



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Chapter 2 Consumer Equilibrium

Q What do you mean by consumer equilibrium?

A Consumer equilibrium is a situation in which a person gets maximum satisfaction.

Q What do you mean by utility?
A Want satisfying power of any commodity is known as consumer equilibrium.

Q What is Total Utility?
A It is the sum total of utility derived from the consumption of all units of a commodity.

Q What is Marginal Utility?
A it refers to additional utility on account of the consumption of an unit of a commodity.

Q What is Budget line?
A It refers to attainable combinations of sets of two commodity at given prices of commodity and income of the consumer.

Q Explain the following :-
a) Indifference set
b) Indifference Curve
c) Indifference Map
A a) Indifference set is a set of two commodities which offers the consumer same level of satisfaction, so that he is indifferent between these combinations.
b) Indifference Curve is the diagrammatic presentation of an indifference set. it shows the set of two commodities that offers the consumer the same level of satisfaction, so that he is indifferent between these combinations.
c) Indifference Map refers to a set of indifference curve.

Q Explain relation between MU and TU.  [Very Important] 3/4 marks

Q Explain Consumer Equilibrium in case of single commodity or one commodity.  6 Marks, [V.I]
A Meaning of Consumer Equilibrium :- It is a situation in which a costumer is getting maximum satisfaction and he has no tendency to change his pattern of consumption.

Condition:- MUX = PX

Assumptions :-
a) Utility can be measured in terms of units.
b) Consumer is rational and wants maximum satisfaction.
c) Independent utility
d) MU of money is constant. MU of money is known as worth of a rupee.
e) Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility is applied here

Schedule:- Suppose a consumer is buying orange and the price of each unit of orange is rupee 4, hypothetical MU of orange is given as


 Explanation of schedule :- It is evident from the schedule that consumer will purchase four oranges and reaches an equilibrium position.
In this situation the position of the consumer equilibrium MU(in rupee) is equal to PX is satisfied.


Q What changes does it make to the quation of consumer equilibrium when he decides to spend his income on two commodity rather than one?
Explain consumer euilibrium in case of double commodity. Very important, 6 marks

Meaning of Consumer equilibrium:- It is a situation in which a consumer is satisfied and he has no tendency to change his pattern of consumption.

Condition:- MUx    =    MUY  =          MU                                                            
                 PX               PY


a) Consumer is rational
b) Utility can be measured in term of money               
c) MUM is constant
e) Only standard unit of commodity are consumed by consumer
f) Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility applied here

Diagram Explanation :-

PP1 represents MU x commodity whereas QQ1 represents MU of Y commodity. It shows equality at A and A1. it is a ideal situation for the consumer where consumer will be in equilibrium
                                                   Now if he spends one less unit of X and one more unit of Y then he will not be in position of equilibrium then he will be at point B and B1 which is not a situation of equilibrium because he gets one less unit of commodity X and one more unit of commodity Y.

Q Explain consumer equilibrium with the help of IC (indifference curev) analysis. Very Important( 6 marks)

A Meaning of consumer equilibrium :- it a situation in which a consumer is getting maximum level of satisfaction from a commodity and has no tendency to bring change in pattern of consumption.

Condition :- Px   =  MRS

Budget Line:-  It refers to the attainable combinations of a set of two goods at given prices of goods and income of the consumer.

Explanation of Diagram :- Q shows the equilibrium position where a consumer is getting maximum satisfaction from both the commodity, now if he moves to point T then he will get more satisfaction from good2 and less from Good 1 which is not a situation f equilibrium so he will remain at point Q where he is getting same level of satisfaction from both the commodities.

Chapter 1 - Economics,Economy and Central Problem of an Economy

1 mark questions

What is economics?
Economics is a subject matter that studies different economics activities as directed towards maximisation of satisfaction or maximisation of profit at individual firm and maximisation of social welfare at the level of country as whole.

What is rational Management?
Rational Management of resources means that resources are allocated to alternative use in such a manner that social welfare is maximised.

What is Scarcity? [V.I]
Scarcity is a situation in demand is more than the supply even at zero price.

What is Economics Problem?
What are the two characteristics of Resources? [V.I]
Economic problem is that :-
Two characteristics of Resources are:-

1 resources are scare in relation to our needs,
2 resources are allocated to alternative use.

What is Microeconomics?
Microeconomics is branch of economics which studies economics activities or issues at individual unit i.e at individual level and at producer level.


Distinguish between Micro and macro economics.

Points of Difference




Microeconomics studies economic issues at individual level i.e individual firm, individual consumer or household.

Macroeconomics studies economic issues at the level of country as whole.


Microeconomics is basically concerned with the determination of output and price for an individual firm or industry

Macroeconomics is basically concerned with the determination of aggregate output and general price level in the economy as whole.

Constant thing

Study of Microeconomics assumes that macro variable are constant, e.g it is assumed aggregate output is given while we are studying determination of output and price of an individual firm or industry.

Study of Macroeconomics assumes that Micro variable are constant. eg it is assumed that distribution of income remains the constant when we are studying the level of output in the economy.


Market mechanism plays a significant role like problem of product prising

Government plays a vital role in fixing up the prices.

Scarcity and choice are inseparable. Discuss


Scarcity and choice goes together, how?

Yes, scarcity and choice are inseparable. It is further cleared by the following:-

i) At consumer level: Here scarcity is limited income and choice is using the income in such a way that a consumer gets maximum satisfaction from it.

ii) At producer lever: Here scarcity is limited resources and choice is allocation of resources in way that there is maximum production of a commodity and a producer gets maximum profit.

iii) At country level: Here scarcity is limited natural resources and choice is allocation of national resources in such a manner that there is maximisation of social welfare at the level of country as whole.

What is positive economic/sentences? Give two sentences.


What is normative economic/sentences? Give two sentences.

Positive economic – It refers to what was, what is and what should be done in the given set of circumstances.

i) Positive statements do not pronounce value judgement.

ii) Positive statements cannot be verified from the real world.

Normative economic – it refers to what ought to be.

i) Normative statements pass value judgement

ii) These can be verified from the real world.

What are the central problems of the economy? [V.I]

Central problem of the economy are:-

i) What to produce: - Due to scare resources and allocation of resources to alternative use it is very important to decide what to produce and in how much quantity. It is very essential to decide which needs are to be given priority and which can wait.

a) Firstly, economy has to decide what goods and services are to be produce. For instance, it has to be deciding that from consumer goods like wheat, cloth, rice etc what to produce likely from capital goods like machines tractors, from peace time good bread, butter and from war time goods guns riffles what to be produced first.

b) After deciding what good to be produce it is very important to decide in what quantity is to be produced. For e.g. if it is decided that more of war goods will be produced like guns, rifles etc than less of educational goods will be produced like school, colleges etc.

ii) How to produce: - it is very important to decide by which method the production should take place as there two technique to perform the production process. These are :-

a) Labour intensive Technique: In this technique production is done through labours and by adopting this technique there is greater employment.

b) Capital intensive Technique: In this technique production is done through machines and by adopting this work is done efficiently and faster without much wastage of time.

An economy has to decide which technique is to be adopted according to the situation of their country.

iii) For whom to produce: - it is basically concerned with the distribution of the final goods or briefly distribution of the final production. It has two aspects :-

a) First aspect relate to personal distribution: How income generated through production is to be distributed among the society and different individual of household.

b) Second aspect relate to functional distribution: How income generated through production is to be distributed among the Factor of production like land, labour, capital, entrepreneur as a reward for the production.

These are the central problem of every economy.

Introduction about the Tutor

Welcome to my Blog , my name is Kritika and i am a teacher . My purpose for making this blog to help students in self study.

I will explain about subject Economic of 12 standard.

The contents are mine own, it's in the simple language so that students can learn and understand easily but if you want to check then consult the book of author T.R Jain and V.K Ohri

CBSE pattern is been followed , you will find important question here will are 100 % likely to come in the CBSE examination .

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